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Writer's pictureDeborah Devine

Wedded Bliss

Recently, my daughter got married. While “congratulations” came from most who heard the news; others who have experienced such an event themselves also remarked, “I bet your glad that’s over!” They weren’t being rude. They simply understand that although the wedding ceremony happens in one day, the preparations for a wedding can become the focus of your life for many months.

Such was my case. Due to my daughter and her now husband having to juggle other life impacting events during this same period, their wedding preparations did in fact consume most of my time throughout the spring and summer. This is not to say that I didn’t thoroughly enjoy helping them by planning, shopping, creating, and putting together all the little details that go into this once in a lifetime event. Truth is, I love planning parties and this was one big party!

In the thick of it all, though, I couldn’t help but wonder if the big day would ever come. I also frequently pondered Jesus and the marriage supper of the Lamb. How magnificent will be that celebration; and how very long He has been preparing for this literal “new life” event!

We read in the book of Revelation:

Then a voice came from the throne. It said, “Praise our God, all you who serve him! Praise God, all you who have respect for him, both great and small!”

7 Let us be joyful and glad! Let us give him glory! It is time for the Lamb’s wedding. His bride has made herself readyRevelation 19:5 &7.

While I spent many months helping my daughter and son-in-law plan their big day, no wedding preparations on earth can compare to what our Lord and Savior has done to prepare for His wedding to His bride. Jesus and His Father have been planning this wedding since before human time began!

Before mankind fell from grace and allowed sin into our hearts, God knew in order to cleanse us, He would have to send a Savior. Before He laid down the law to help guide His people in the way they should go, He knew they would fail; the law simply would not be enough. God would have to send Himself in the form of Jesus. Only He could be the perfect sacrificial Lamb.

So, why bother?

Because God loves us; He loves you. And He knew that one day, through belief in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, you and I could be reunited to Him. So, preparations for the wedding had already begun.

Just as my daughter’s wedding plans started with her engagement, so God’s began with a betrothal. When Adam and Eve failed to commit, God then made a vow to His chosen people, Israel. This promise, or covenant was based on a perfect God to an imperfect people and soon the adulterous nature of God’s people prompted Him to give Israel a divorce (Jeremiah 3). This seemed so final, however it did not mean that God was done with Israel. God had not given up. In fact, He even told them He would one day bring them back to Himself just as He always knew He would (Jeremiah 30).

Enter the Groom, Jesus.

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning.”

14 “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.

16 “Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.” John 1: 1-2, 14 and 16-17.

The preparations for a wedding get more concentrated and detailed the closer the day approaches, and so it was for Jesus. His greatest work, His most difficult task was yet to come – conquering death!

“What does death have to do with a wedding?” you might ask.

Imagine trying to marry someone who is in captivity? Someone who is imprisoned by a captor willing to use every deception available to keep them from escaping. Add to this the truth that your beloved is unable to see their own captivity. They believe they are living in freedom. So deceived, they don’t even recognize truth, or the depth of your love for them! What then?

The Bible tells us how important we are to our groom. He loves us more than life itself and was willing to sacrifice Himself in a confrontational move that allowed us to be freed from our captor forever! Free to marry our life-giving groom! Talk about intense wedding preparations!

Yet… so many still choose imprisonment.

Full of mercy and grace, Jesus came into the world to fulfill God’s promise made so long ago. No longer just for Israel; in Christ, God’s betrothal was made to all mankind! His proposal is now asked of everyone, including you and me.

Jesus has done everything to allow us to be rejoined with our Creator. He gave His life so that the sin that separates us can be reconciled, and the wedding into eternal life need no longer be hindered by the sin in our hearts. He has patiently waited for all the earth to be given the opportunity to enter into wedded bliss with Him once again.

Never before today, has the whole world been closer to having received the Good News of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection. It is almost time for the wedding; and this is the one celebration you do not want to miss!

Here is what the angel told me to write. “Blessed are those invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” Revelation 19:9a.


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