About the Author
Deborah Devine lives in Minnesota with her husband Steven, and their three cats. She is the mother of a blended family of five grown children, and seven grandchildren. She feels very blessed to have all her family close by, as she is able to frequently spend time with them.
She has been active in many ministries at her home church over the years including worship and drama, prayer and women’s ministry, and children's/youth ministry. Outside the church she is involved in discipleship, as well as supporting local organizations aiding vulnerable women. Deborah also served on the board for the Women's Ministry of the Northwest Conference (WMNWC) of the Evangelical Covenant Church under the title, Make and Deepen Disciples.
Deborah’s love of writing began in grade-school, with her first work of short stories being placed in the library of her childhood elementary school. Setting aside her love of writing for motherhood at a young age, Deborah spent most of her adult life as a stay-at-home mother and later heavily involved as a volunteer at her church.
Throughout these years, writing was used by Deborah as a form of personal expression and self-exploration, until the Lord laid the desire on her heart to write a book (which later became a Bible study series) for women who are struggling with their identity in Christ.
During the writing process, her love of God and His word grew. She became fascinated with how intricately woven is His word, and enjoys exploring original Hebrew and Greek meanings and cultures. She has a love for the Jewish people and their history, is interested in fulfillment of end time prophecy, and the active spiritual world around us.
Childhood Testimony
When I was about 8 or 9 years old and living in Colorado, my family attended a catholic church on Sunday. I had gone to catechism (Sunday school), memorized the “Our Father,” aka The Lord’s prayer, and received my First Communion. I knew about Jesus, and often looked at pictures of Him on the cross, or ascending to Heaven (my favorite) in our big, family “coffee table” Bible. We celebrated Christmas and Easter, on such occasions saying “grace” at dinner. I had a children's story Bible and always said my bedtime prayers - even though I wasn’t crazy about the idea of dying before I woke.
Despite all that, there remained a disconnect between what Jesus had done for "us" (never thought "me") on the cross, and the incredible implications of that selfless act.
Similarly, I “knew” there was a devil who lived underground somewhere. My friend and I once used a hose to create a deep mud hole in his backyard. When we put our foot in, we were certain we felt the devil’s horn touch our feet! I’m not really sure I understood the devil as God’s enemy, only that while God was good, the devil was not! Nor did I look at them as Creator and creation. Like many people today, I thought God and the devil were more on an opposite, yet even plain. Jesus’ place in all this sort of confused me, as did the "Holy Ghost" spoken of in church. Yet, I was so drawn to Jesus. Somehow, I just knew He cared about me.
I assumed I was going to Heaven, was proud to be Roman Catholic; yet I never questioned why my Jewish best friend did not believe in Jesus as God’s Son. She said her family believed in God, so that was good enough. I even went with her family to see "Fiddler on the Roof." Her ancestors on the movie screen seemed to be connected to God, so I was content.
Then came the day that I would like to say changed my life forever; and it did, just not overnight. A couple who lived near us had a big white dog that I loved to play with; though I don’t remember just how I got into their back yard. They must have given me permission at some point, because I would not have gone in uninvited. What’s more puzzling is that on this day, I was in their house?! They were a young couple with no kids that I can remember, but oh how they loved Jesus. I have called them the “holy-roller” couple whenever I have shared this memory because, well... it was the 1970s.
How could I have a personal relationship with God’s own Son! Up to this point God, Himself was distant in my life, and so very large (which, of course is true). In my mind, though, He also had a deep, commanding voice, and was always judging me. Frankly, unlike His Son, Jesus, God was scary! Would He object to me becoming friends with His Son? What about my parents? Would this be wrong in their eyes?
But it was Jesus! Of course I wanted to ask Him into my heart! Nothing would make me happier! So, my excitement won out over asking my parents first. I eagerly said a prayer asking Jesus into my heart and to be my savior. The couple (don’t remember their names) gave me a little New Testament of my own, which I quickly claimed with my name and date on the inside cover. They agreed to walk me home to help tell my mom what I had just done. I walked in the door and proudly shared with her that I was now a Christian, because I had accepted Jesus as my savior. Puzzled, yet smiling she said, “Well, you already were, but that’s nice.”
Was I? Really? I don’t know about that. I did all the things a young girl thinks will make God happy, and I certainly felt a pulling toward Jesus; but I think God used that couple to help me make that true and final commitment. I am so glad He did.
Shortly after that, my family left the church and my spiritual war began. We moved to a very progressive part of the state, my parents started exposing some problems they had been having, and I was left to “explore” on my own way too often. I went through many years of instability and suffered hard consequences of many a bad decision; yet the one constant in my life was Jesus.
It took far too long to start recognizing Him as my LORD and Savior, but I always knew He was with me. I felt Him every time I cried out in pain; and no matter how many times I strayed, He would make a way to reveal Himself to me and draw me close again. Finally, when I was ready to seriously recommit to Him, He was there to show me the way home.
As I write this, I think fondly of that young, holy-roller couple and the love they had for Jesus. I pray they have gone on to raise generations of lovers of Christ just like me. How blessed is their family!
Some of you may be asking, “What about the spiritual war, and the suffering?” To this I say, “The war is present and real whether you are a believer or not; what matters is what side you are on!” As for me and my house - we serve the Lord! And I can’t wait to meet that couple again in Heaven to tell them "Thank You" and share just how much their commitment to Jesus meant in my life!